
Self Paced Certification

Original price was: $750.00.Current price is: $450.00.

Certify at your own pace

Only spots left


10 lb Steel Mace
Open Heart
Curious Mind


Create your own schedule
Less Stress to finish "on time"
Learn with Ease

Coaches Certificate

Complete L1 Program'
Complete Flow-work
Create Foundations Footwork Flow
Pass Honors Test Out

What to Expect

Begin moving immediately with the Steel Mace
Increased strength and mobility
Exceed your learning and movement expectations

What you Get

Lifetime Access to Level 1 Course
PDF Manual
10 Section Footwork Instructional
10 Section Strength Building Instructional
6 Section Hand Transition Instructional
34 Section Mace Movement Instructional
9 Section 360 Instructional
9 Section Master Class Flow Instructional

What you Learn

Foundation Footwork
Hand Transitions
Mace Movements
Safeties & Modifications
Flow Building and Sequencing

The primary intention of this certification and video series is to provide you with thorough education on how to effectively perform the steps and movements of SMF™️, successfully coach others through the program, and how to use the Flow Builder System and incorporate it into your fitness regimen.

During the length of this certification we will emphasize the use of structure specific to SMF™️, demonstrate and explain the benefits of total body engagement, with and without the mace in hands, as well as the application of hand transitions and mace sequencing to perform smooth dynamic and effective transitions. By the end of this Level One Certification you will be able to perform and instruct others on the Level 1 Content in addition to gaining a deeper understanding of why SMF™️ is beneficiary to all skill levels of fitness and the results that can be anticipated depending on the degree of application towards the program.

Certification Test 

Upon, completion of the online course, your next step will be to pass your certification tes out. Join the ranks of the elite Flow Artists from all over the world by Certifying “With Honors.” The Honors test was designed to test your knowledge of the Level 1 material, your discipline in Flow and it is your opportunity to demonstrate your honor and integrity as a Steel Mace Flow Artist. 

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